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Sustainability report

Yritys AB


Tällä tilikaudella panostimme erityisesti hukkamateriaalien kierrätykseen ja työhyvinvoinnin lisäämiseen. Onnistuimme molemmissa teemoissa hyvin.

Organizational description

Description of the organization’s operations
Demo Company Oy is a family business founded in 2020 that delivers honey to the residents of its home village.

Demo Company's organization as a picture
Organizational description

Scope and coverage of the sustainability program
Our responsibility program covers our entire operation.

Operating environment
We are located in southern Finland, but our business covers the whole of Finland.


Our mission is to produce tasty and high-quality honey responsibly and while restoring biodiversity.


Our vision is to be the most responsible and transparent company in our industry by 2025.



Material impacts

This section describes the impacts of our operations that result in material benefit or harm to the environment or society, as well as the external impacts that cause us material financial risks or opportunities.

Materiality analysis

We carried out the materiality analysis by first getting to know the most common environmental and social impacts in our industry and then comparing them to our own perceptions of our impacts. We selected the most relevant effects, e.g. based on how useful/serious we estimate the effects to be and how far-reaching we estimate the effects to be.
Increasing sustainability reporting requirements
An external impact affecting our financials
We have several companies as customers, which are starting to be affected by various responsibility reporting directives. Although the directives do not directly affect us, our customers must also collect responsibility information from us, which increases the pressure to invest in data collection and reporting. Responding to pressure takes resources from us.

Appears: At this moment  
Nature: Positive  
Financial impact: Moderate  

Policies promoting the impact:
#Code of conduct - Ethical instructions #Procurement policy #Equality policy

Low work flexibility
An impact resulting from our operations
Emme aina pysty tarjoamaan joustoa työntekoon tai muokkaamaan työnkuvaa henkilöstön eri elämäntilanteiden mukaan. Olemme tunnistaneet tämän kehityskohteeksemme.

Nature: Negative   Impacts: Direct     Existence: Real   When: At this moment  Severity: Not defined  Scope: Very small   Remediability: Pretty hard

Policies promoting the impact:
#Code of conduct - Ethical instructions #Equality policy

Reducing inequality
An impact resulting from our operations
Palkkaamme kausityöhön myös vaikeasti työllistettäviä henkilöitä, mikä parantaa työnteon tasa-arvoa ja vähentää eriarvoisuutta.

Nature: Positive   Impacts: Direct     Existence: Real   When: At this moment  Beneficiality: Moderate  Scope: Very small  

Policies promoting the impact:
#Code of conduct - Ethical instructions #Procurement policy #Equality policy

More frequent extreme weather conditions
An external impact affecting our financials
Toimintamme hankaloituu ja mehiläisten elinolosuhteet heikkenevät voimakkaasti vaihtelevien säätilojen myötä, mikä vaikuttaa suoraan hunajantuotannon kannattavuuteen.

Appears: in future  
Financial impact: Large  
Type: Risk  When: After more than 5 years   Probability: Moderate  

Policies promoting the impact:
#Environmental policy

Enrichment of biodiversity
An impact resulting from our operations
Hunajantuotantomme lisää mehiläisten esiintymistä alueella, mikä pölytyksen ansiosta vaikuttaa positiivisesti biodiversiteettiin.

Nature: Positive   Impacts: Direct     Existence: Real   When: At this moment  Beneficiality: Small  Scope: Moderate  

Policies promoting the impact:
#Code of conduct - Ethical instructions #Environmental policy

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Code of conduct - Ethical instructions

Responsible for implementing: Toimitusjohtaja
Impacts to promote:
  #Low work flexibility

The ethical guidelines define our company's operating principles together with our values. They are the basis for all our activities. They guide us in how we deal with customers, colleagues, business partners and other stakeholders.
Our ethical culture is developed and created together by all employees of our company.
We expect all of us to follow the principles given in the ethical guidelines.

These ethical guidelines apply to the entire operation of our company. We expect that stakeholders are aware of our sustainabilitybility goals and guidelines and follow them.

Legislation and policies
We are aware of the legislation regarding products, services and business. We comply with current legislation.
Our policies define in more detail how we operate, for example, in procurement and personnel matters. Our personnel and stakeholders are aware of our current policies.

We handle the confidential information that comes to our attention carefully and in accordance with the instructions. We use confidential information only for the purpose.

Professional and Expertise in Operations
We demonstrate professionalism and good behavior in all our activities. We know how to resolve conflict situations constructively and with respect for others.

Safety and Health
Safety issues are priority number 1. Everyone has the right to do their job safely. By safety we understand physical and mental safety. Each employee is responsible for developing the safety of their own work environment.

Environmental responsibility
We respect the environment and take care of it. We want to develop our operations at all levels in such a way that our environmental impact is as small as possible.
We update our environmental goals and programs annually and communicate them to our personnel and stakeholders.

A respectful and harassment-free work environment
We treat our fellow human beings with respect. We accept different people regardless of their ethnicity, gender, age, nationality, sexuality, disability or religious background.
Every employee must treat his colleagues with respect and fairness.
We do not tolerate any physical, verbal, sexual or psychological harassment or bullying.

Conflicts of interest
In our operations, we make decisions in such a way that potential conflicts of interest do not guide our decisions. In operations, the company's interest comes before one's own interest.
Such situations can include ownership or family relationships, for example in acquisitions and personnel recruitment.
In decision-making, we clearly bring potential conflicts of interest to the attention of our supervisor before decisions are made.

Prevention of bribery and corruption
We do not allow bribery or corruption, nor gifts or favors that could influence decision-making.
We are responsible for not participating in decision-making in situations where pursuing our own interests is possible. Whistleblowing notification channel is used for anti-bribery and corruption activities. You can make a report anonymously if you suspect illegal activity by our company or a partner or any other detected defect.

Information on supply chain responsibility
We want to be aware of the ethical issues of our partners and stakeholders. We regularly send electronic follow-up surveys that our partners must answer. This way we are clear and able to develop our ethical activities together.

As part of our ethical guidelines, we are committed to the following international agreements:
- UN: Universal Declaration of Human Rights
- UN: International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights
- ILO: Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work
- State treaty: International Convention on Civil and Political Rights
- State agreement: Convention on the Rights of the Child
- Regulation: International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights

We use the following software in our sustainability program and partner monitoring:™
- Sustainability program planning, monitoring, data collection and reporting
Ceriffi Check®
- Suppliers feedback, Customer feedback, occupational safety, involvement of personnel and partners, deviations monitoring
- As a whistleblowing notification scheme

The owner of this policy is the CEO of Demo Company Oy, and the Management Team of Demo Company Oy is responsible for updating it and making changes to it.


Financially sustainable and risk-free operation

Impact materialityModerate :  : 


We carry out supplier evaluations every year. We monitor our customers' ability to pay.

Risks and possibilities

Risk: Credit losses and sales Significance: Large Probability: Moderate
We monitor the customers' ability to pay and the speed of payment.


Credit rating




Procurement policy

Responsible for implementing: Toimitusjohtaja
Impacts to promote:
  #Reducing inequality

The procurement policy in Demo Company Oy covers all procurements carried out in the company. This policy outlines the goals and scope of our procurement.

The procurement of our companies must comply with all applicable laws and regulations and with appropriate social aspects. We do not accept corruption or bribery. We require the same things from our procurement partners.
We offer a notification channel for reporting violations of laws and regulations and for anti-corruption activities. End-users, employees and partners can report any problems they find. We process notifications in accordance with the Whistleblowing Directive and national legislation.

The goal of our purchases is to ensure high customer satisfaction for our products/services and to achieve our own strategic business goals. In procurement, we take into account the relevant aspects of our responsibility, and we constantly strive to improve their situation in our partners' operations as well.
We are constantly improving the approval, evaluation and monitoring processes of our suppliers. We expect our partners to provide monitoring information for the implementation of our sustainability program and for sustainability reporting.

Environmental Responsibility
In our purchases, we take into account the life-cycle effects and costs of products and services, as well as aspects that promote energy efficiency. We want our procurement partners to invest in environmental responsibility in the development of their own operations.
We collect annual monitoring data on environmental sustainability from our partners as part of our own sustainability program.

Social responsibility
We treat our suppliers equally. We emphasize responsible, honest, open and long-term supplier relationships to develop joint processes.
We are improving our capabilities to better identify social risks in our supply chain.
In our own operations, we commit to the things defined in the equality plan. We appreciate that our smaller partners also draw up their own equality plan.
We require that our partners are committed to the following international human rights agreements in their operations:
- UN: Universal Declaration of Human Rights
- UN: International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights
- ILO: Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work

Safety in our own operations is priority number 1. In procurement, we require the safety of both products and services. Safety is considered both in setting and monitoring suppliers' criteria and in evaluating the fulfillment of product and service requirements. Our entire personnel records safety observations, which help us to develop product safety and occupational safety. In accordance with the agreement, we can also oblige our partners to record safety observations when producing products or services for us.

We communicate openly and transparently about our activities to our partners and cooperate confidentially.
We give fairly factual and informed feedback to our own partners. We expect our partners to give us feedback so that we can develop together and create new innovations.
We deal with common deviations constructively and learn from the mistakes we make.
We regularly audit our strategic procurement partners as part of our management system. The audit programs also cover the sustainability aspects related to the activities of the suppliers. The aim of the audits is joint development, streamlining processes and ensuring the sustainability of the supply chain.

We use the following software in our sustainability program and partner monitoring:™
- Sustainability program planning, monitoring, data collection and reporting
Ceriffi Check®
- Suppliers feedback, Customer feedback, occupational safety, involvement of personnel and partners, deviations monitoring
- As a whistleblowing notification scheme

The owner of this policy is the CEO of Demo Company Oy, and the Management Team of Demo Company Oy is responsible for updating it and making changes to it.


Responsible suppliers and subcontractors

Very large
Impact materialityLarge :  : 


We carry out supplier evaluations every year. We audit our suppliers.

Risks and possibilities

Risk: Failure to comply with statutory obligations Significance: Large Probability: Moderate
The legality of the operation is verified annually and the necessary reports are requested
Risk: Tax arrears unpaid Significance: Large Probability: Large
The tax register is always checked for a new partner and annually in the future


Suppliers' responsibility reports


Environmental policy

Responsible for implementing: Hallitus
Impacts to promote:
  #More frequent extreme weather conditions

Environmental sustainability is an important part of our corporate sustainability. Evaluating environmental aspects and reducing environmental impacts is a strategically important focus area.
We respect the environment and take care of it.
We want to develop our operations at all levels in such a way that our environmental impact is as small as possible.

This policy applies to the entire operation of our company and, where applicable, also to our partners and stakeholders. We expect partners and stakeholders to be aware of our guidelines and follow them.

We are aware of environmental legislation regarding products, services and business. We comply with current legislation.
Our environmental management is based on the environmental system (ISO 14001:2015), where environmental aspects, environmental risks and opportunities have been identified.
We update our environmental goals annually and communicate them to our personnel and stakeholders.
In accordance with the plans, we also carry out audits of our own suppliers, where we take environmental aspects into account.

In our acquisition, we consider the life-cycle effects and costs of products and services, as well as aspects that promote energy efficiency. We want our procurement partners to invest in environmental responsibility in the development of their own operations.
We collect annual monitoring data on responsibility from our partners. We oblige our partners to provide tracking information in the application.

- We comply with environmental legislation and operate in accordance with the environmental requirements set for our operations.
- We cooperate with authorities and stakeholders to ensure that our environmental work meets the expectations and requirements set for our operations.
- We reduce environmental and climate impacts in procurement, service and logistics.
- We promote the circular economy in our entire value chain.
- We take environmental aspects into account in investments and acquisitions.
- We increase the environmental awareness and competence of all our personnel with effective internal trainings.
- We commit to the principles of continuous improvement.
- We respect the environment and take care of it in an economically sustainable way.
- We are constantly developing our operations so that the carbon footprint of our operations is as small as possible.

The board of the company sets environmental policy and environmental goals.
The operational management is responsible for the planning and resourcing of operations together with the management team.
Each employee is responsible for following the instructions and regulations in their own work. We value the development ideas of our employees to improve environmental protection.

If an employee notices that our company or a partner is acting contrary to our policy, our guidelines or the requirements of the law, it is his right and duty to report it directly to his supervisor or to make a report anonymously in the Whistleblowing reporting channel.
A violation can be reported to the authorities if there is reason to suspect that an employee's or partner's actions are against environmental law.

We use the following software in our sustainability program and partner monitoring:™
- Sustainability program planning, monitoring, data collection and reporting
Ceriffi Check®
- Environmental incidents and deviations Suppliers feedback, Customer feedback, occupational safety, involvement of personnel and partners, deviations monitoring
- As a whistleblowing notification scheme

The owner of this policy is the CEO of Demo Company Oy, and the Management Team of Demo Company Oy is responsible for updating it and making changes to it.


Mitigation of climate change

Impact materialityVery little or nothing :  : 


We reduce our GHG emissions. We only use renewable energy.

Risks and possibilities

Risk: Increase in energy costs Significance: Very large Probability: Large
We will find out the possibility to produce energy ourselves. We will save energy.


Uusiutuvan energian käyttöaste



Prevention of environmental pollution

Impact materialityModerate :  : 


We make sure that our activities do not result in soil or water pollution.

Risks and possibilities

Opportunity: Improving reputation Significance: Large Probability: Large
We communicate our actions for the benefit of the environment.



Promotion of circular economy

Impact materialityModerate :  : 


We use recycled materials as much as possible. We have a precise action plan for waste recycling.

Risks and possibilities

Opportunity: Reduced waste management costs Significance: Large Probability: Very large
We recycle waste effectively.
Risk: Increase in work Significance: Very large Probability: Slight
We are developing an efficient way to sort waste.


Recycling rate


Equality policy

Responsible for implementing: Vastuullisuusryhmä
Impacts to promote:
  #Low work flexibility

The policy is applied in all our activities. This policy outlines how equality is considered in our operations and dealings with people.

In the equality policy, we rely heavily on our assessments.
The equality policy supports our company's strategic and operational goals. We know that diversity is an opportunity for us in work and business relationships.
We respect internationally recognized human rights in our operations and are committed to promoting gender equality and equality between people in our own sphere of influence.

We treat all employees and stakeholders equally.
We create equal career advancement opportunities for personnel at all levels of the organization, regardless of their ethnicity, gender, age, nationality, sexuality, disability or religious background.
We support our personnel in different life stages in coordinating the demands of working life and family life. We have outlined issues related to the employment relationship in more detail in the Personnel Policy.
We follow the prepared equality plan.
We firmly address all discrimination and inappropriate behavior. We have a Whistleblowing reporting channel where personnel can anonymously report any issues they have noticed.

Personnel administration leads our equality work.
We carry out surveys every year, which allow us to get information directly from the personnel on issues that require development.

We use the following software in our sustainability program and partner monitoring:™
- Equality planning, monitoring, data collection and reporting
Ceriffi Check®
- Personnel development ideas for the development of equality
- Whistleblowing as a reporting scheme: inappropriate behavior or discrimination

The owner of this policy is the CEO of Demo Company Oy, and the Management Team of Demo Company Oy is responsible for updating it and making changes to it.


Equal treatment of people

Very large
Impact materialityLarge :  : 


We train our personnel and other stakeholders on equality issues.

Risks and possibilities

Opportunity: Healthy and productive employees Significance: Very large Probability: Moderate
We monitor employee satisfaction when it comes to equality issues.


Commitment to human rights regulations


Employee Net Promoter Score eNPS



Healthy and coping staff

Impact materialityModerate :  : 


We actively monitor and investigate the staff's coping and on-the-job learning. A personnel survey is conducted weekly and everyone has the opportunity to express their opinion.

Risks and possibilities


Personnel well-being survey


Yritys AB

Sustainability communication

Responsible for implementing: Toimitusjohtaja

Transparent operations are part of our values, and the values ​​that guide our operations are also realized in our communication.

Identifying stakeholders and their needs
We have identified the most important stakeholder groups in terms of communication and the actors belonging to different stakeholder groups and their needs. We have designed our communication to suit the needs of different stakeholders. We find out whether our communication is appropriate and receive feedback, on the basis of which we develop our communication.

Where we communicate
We communicate to our internal and external stakeholders about current issues, such as operational requirements, instructions and changes, as well as the development trends of responsibility and the results of our responsibility work. In addition, we encourage our stakeholders to take responsible actions using various means of communication.

Internal communication - when, how and to whom we communicate
We invest in high-quality orientation for new employees. The supervisor and co-workers participate in the orientation. At the workstations, there are instruction leaflets on the work task to be performed at the workstation. The supervisor holds a weekly meeting where current issues of the week are reviewed. We also have team meetings as needed.

External communication - when, how and to whom we communicate
In procurement situations, we communicate our operating methods and values ​​to new partners. Customer meetings are organized as needed and current issues are discussed in them. We send our stakeholders a newsletter four times a year. Current information can be found in real time on our website and social media channels.

Responsible parties and changes
The CEO, management team and supervisors are responsible for internal responsibility communication and related changes. The CEO, management team and stakeholder contact persons are responsible for external responsibility communication and related changes.

Greenhouse gas emissions

Scope 1 emissions refer to the direct emissions resulting from an organization's operations.

Scope 2 emissions refer to emissions caused by the energy purchased or acquired by the organization. Scope 2 emissions can be calculated in two ways: market-based and location-based. The market-based calculation method reveals the actual emissions from the energy procured by the organization, using emission factors provided by the energy suppliers. The location-based calculation method reflects the average emissions in the geographical areas where the energy is consumed, using general, regional, or national emission factors. Therefore, the emission figures obtained from market-based and location-based calculations usually differ from each other. When totaling scope 2 emissions, the emission figures obtained from the market-based calculation method are primarily used. If the market-based method cannot be applied, figures from the location-based method are used.

Scope 3 emissions refer to the indirect emissions resulting from an organization's activities.
Since 2018, systematic work has been done to minimize greenhouse gas emissions. For example, in 2019 we switched completely to biodiesel and the recycling rate of boxes was increased to 80 percent.

Calculation methodology

In the calculation, SYKE's excel-based carbon footprint calculation tool Y-hiilari was used. The Y-hiilari is a commonly used tool, and it takes into account the most important emission sources.


Total greenhouse gas emissions

400.00 tCO2ekv

Scope 1 150 tCO2ekv
Company vehicles76.10 tCO2ekv
Company facilities25.50 tCO2ekv

Scope 2, market-based | location based 14190 tCO2ekv
Purchased/acquired electricity15.00 tCO2ekv | 22.50 tCO2ekv
Purchased/acquired steam0.00 tCO2ekv | 18.00 tCO2ekv
Purchased/acquired heating85.00 tCO2ekv | 1.40 tCO2ekv
Purchased/acquired cooling0.00 tCO2ekv | 0.00 tCO2ekv

Scope 3 125.00 tCO2ekv
Purchased goods and services11.00 t CO2ekv
Capital goods85.00 t CO2ekv
Fuel and energy related activities 12.00 t CO2ekv
Upstream transportation and distribution2.20 t CO2ekv
Upstream leased assets3.15 t CO2ekv
Processing of sold products0.75 t CO2ekv

Development of emissions

Chart type


Total energy consumption
Total energy consumption 0.00 MWh
From fossil sources 0.00 MWh
Fuel derived from coal and coal products 0.00 MWh
Fuel derived from crude oil and oil products 0.00 MWh
A fuel derived from natural gas 0.00 MWh
Fuel from other fossil sources (including non-renewable hydrogen) 0.00 MWh
Purchased or acquired electricity, heat, steam and cooling from fossil sources 0.00 MWh
From nuclear power sources 0.00 MWh
From renewable sources 0.00 MWh
Fuel from renewable sources (including biomass, renewable hydrogen) 0.00 MWh
Purchased or procured electricity, heat, steam and cooling from renewable sources 0.00 MWh
Self-produced renewable energy from sources other than fuel 0.00 MWh

Self produced energy
Self-produced non-renewable energy 0.00 MWh
Self-produced renewable energy 0.00 MWh


The total amount of waste from own operations 1050 kg
The total amount of hazardous waste generated 42 kg
The total amount of radioactive waste generated 25 kg
The total amount of non-recycled waste 63 kg
The percentage of non-recycled waste

Waste directed to disposal 50 kg
Breakdown 1: Non-hazardous waste and hazardous waste
Non-hazardous waste 100 kg
Hazardous waste 50 kg
Breakdown 2: Waste treatment types
Incineration 50 kg
Landfill 10 kg
Other final processing 40 kg
Waste diverted from disposal 250 kg
Breakdown 1: Non-hazardous waste and hazardous waste
Non-hazardous waste 50 kg
Hazardous waste 75 kg
Breakdown 2: Recovery operation types
Recycling 100 kg
Preparation for reuse 200 kg
Other recovery operations 25 kg
Background information on the composition of the waste
Jäte oli pääasiassa erilaista pahvia ja muita pakkausmateriaaleja. Vaaralliseksi luokiteltuja jätteitä oli muutavat nesteet, joita käytetään joidenkin pintojen puhdistamiseen ja liiman poistoon.
Background information on the data calculation methodologies used to determine and classify products designed along circular principles
Pahvia kierrätätään mahdollisimman paljon ja sitä luovutetään esim. lähikouluillle opetuskäyttöön.
General information on the waste

Social topics

Own workforce

in employment relationship
hours employees
Not disclosed000000

Departed employees 0
Employee turnover 0 %
Background information on employee turnover
Background information on the differences in the headcount information given in this report and the financial statement information
Non-employee workers
Non-employment employee 0
Self-employed people: 0
People provided by undertakings engaged in employment activities: 0
Trainees: 0
Other types of employees relevant to the undertaking:
Background information on non-employees:

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